Designed by Finnish fashion designer Sasu Kauppi, the “Join The Team” capsule collection is inspired by Karhu’s mid 80s period, when sportswear featured bright colours and flashy patterns. The collection consists of sneakers, a tracksuit, sweatshirts, T-shirts, caps and socks. Most items feature Karhu’s 80s “Join The Team” slogan in Sasu Kauppi’s signature font.
- 6 panels
- Embroidered collaborative graphic
- Unstructured crown
- Standard visor
- Orange coloured visor bottom
- Adjustable snapback closure
- Cotton sweatband
- 100% Cotton
- Made in China
- One size
- 6 panels
- Embroidered collaborative graphic
- Unstructured crown
- Standard visor
- Orange coloured visor bottom
- Adjustable snapback closure
- Cotton sweatband
- 100% Cotton
- Made in China
- One size
Returns and Refunds
We accept returns of all items within 15 days of receiving the order with the right to full refund minus a return fee of £5.00. A return label by Royal Mail is included in your shipment and a refund for the amount you paid for the returning item, minus a £5.00 shipping fee per return will be charged. If you are missing the return label or need to make a second return, please email our Customer service department at to provide you a new return label.
We accept returns of all items within 15 days of receiving the order with the right to full refund of the product minus a £5.00 shipping fee per return.
Your return will be accepted if the goods are returned in the same condition as when you received the order. If the item has been used, damaged, washed, altered or missing tags/labels (for apparel), we are entitled by law to charge you a fee for the depreciation of the item.
We will process your return and issue a refund within maximum of 30 days. Refunds will be issued via the original method of payment.
We don't do exchanges at Karhu at the moment. If you would like to change your item for a different color or size, please return your item and place a new order.
Size guide - Caps
US size | up to 22.8'' |
EU Size | up to 58 cm |