We live in a time when the present is a but an instant, fleeting and fluid, and history is forever moving behind and and beyond us. Fewer things last, stand the test of time; fewer things endure. // There are, despite the intensifying need for newness, a handful of things we consider timeless. Among them team work, a sense of collective success, running and the sisu spirit.

We all, at one time lived with innocence, free from judgement and expectation; we lived unabashedly, with full hearts and no fear.

Free time was spent simply - running around outside, playing with and learning from others.

Team sports provided many opportunities to develop skills, and friendships that became cornerstones for later life.

Life did not come without challenge or need but a sense of community enabled us to see what was possible and provided us with fortitude to persevere through difficulties.

Old haunts and old friends made for lasting memories.

Running brought us together, and we experienced first-hand the human spirit in action.

We came to know through this team work, through developing our own sisu, that running itself, and as a metaphor for life is a powerful ingredient for personal fulfillment and success.